Thames Water AMP7
Values: £10m+
Locations: South West
Types of work: Civil engineering, MEICA
Procurement methods: Direct award
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We are the primary delivery partner for Lot 4 Thames Valley Region of their AMP7 Capital Programmes Geographic Framework Agreements. We are responsible for the non-infrastructure works, delivering clean and wastewater projects during between 1 April 2020 and 31 March 2025.
The framework includes individual projects up to £30m in value, with an average project value being £5-7m. The cumulative value of the AMP7 period totals in excess of £200m across the Thames Valley region.
Our framework duties are to carry out activities safely and efficiently including the design, build, test, commission, integration into existing assets and systems and handover of the works plus any potentially associated works or services. We are also required to manage third party liaison (including streetworks coordination, customer engagement and drop-in sessions), protecting and informing the wider public and enabling activities such as engaging land agents, issuing notices as per the Water Industry Act (1991), environmental assessments and surveys.
The non-infrastructure scope includes:
- Refurbishment, replacement and provision of new potable ground and surface water production assets such as enhanced slow sand filter performance
- Disinfection, surge protection, chemical dosing, pumping systems, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)
- Run-to-waste facilities, cartridge filters and UV
- Increased power resilience
- New service reservoirs and inspection and maintenance of existing service and storage reservoirs
The wastewater non-infrastructure scope includes:
- Refurbishment, replacement and provision of new treatment facilities such as inlet works
- Stormwater storage, event duration monitors
- Settlement tanks
- Biological treatment, tertiary treatment, sludge treatment including Thermal Hydrolysis Process (THP)
- Digester roof replacement
- Combined Heat and Power (CHP)
- Chemical dosing
- Phosphorous removal
- Odour control and increased power resilience