Hessle Foreshore Tidal Defence Scheme
Location: Yorkshire
Sector: Water
Division: Infrastructure
Hessle Foreshore is a low lying area on the Humber estuary which suffered significant flooding in the tidal surge of December 2013. Predictions suggest similar flooding events are likely to happen more often in the future placing the residential properties in Hessle at risk.
The Hessle Foreshore Tidal Defence Scheme required the construction of a 700m long flood defence structure on the northern shoreline of the Humber Estuary. The new flood defence wall comprises of differing construction details, dependent upon the location and depth of the underlying rock levels, with a significant section of the new flood defence wall (365m) having a sheet piled foundation.
All sections of the wall have a reinforced concrete foundation structure and the majority have a glazed panel wall at high water level. The works include steel flood gates for both vehicles and pedestrians at various locations along its length.
To complete the flood defence works, a raised section of carriageway in the western end will be created linking the flood defences at either side of the carriageway. As part of the works, major surface water attenuation tanks and improved drainage will be provided to the dry side of the flood wall.
The Hessle Foreshore Tidal Defence Scheme is jointly funded with grants administered by the Environment Agency, the Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government. This project has also been supported with funding from the Humber LEP’s Local Growth Fund programme and completed in 2021.